i (still) hate the bar exam

The adventures of a disgruntled unemployed former slacker law student struggling to pass the bar exam and find a job involving as little actual legal work as possible.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

OCI + B4 = $$$

Omg! Omg! I got an OCI interview! It's unreal. I found out on Friday. I was in absolute, total shock. Me! OCI! Two words, never before seen outside of bitter rants! Well ok, I did have one as a 2L, for the Post Office, where the woman told me she thought I'd be incredibly bored. And I had two, as a 3L, that led to nothing, but that was over TWO YEARS ago.

It was for a Big Four accounting firm. I had it on Wednesday. It was 45 minutes, but it ended up not seeming particularly long. The guy didn't seem that interested in finding anything out about me, so I was freaking out afterwards.

But what did I find in my email this morning? It was an invitation for a second interview! Omg!!! I have never had a second interview! Not ever! Eeeeeeee!

I'm SO EXCITED! They pay money there! Cash money! Money I could pay my student loans with! I don't care if they want to hang me upside down in the basement of the building and bleed me dry - I would agree to anything for approximately double what I'm making now. Oh god think of the shoes I could buy - THINK OF THE SHOES!!!

Anyone know anything about second interviews? Or accounting firms? Or have shoe recommendations? Help me out people!



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