i (still) hate the bar exam

The adventures of a disgruntled unemployed former slacker law student struggling to pass the bar exam and find a job involving as little actual legal work as possible.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Ew, Loser

To the guy in the Tax LLM Program who taunted the other student today that he has a “killer outline” and replied that he “has his sources” when asked where he got it:

You sir, are a dick. The laws of decency require that after telling people about your “killer outline” you offer to share it with them. It makes me sick to sit in class with you, you pompous ass. I certainly hope that the gaps in your outline coincide precisely with the areas tested on the exam. It is also my sincere wish that, tonight, having drunk too much green beer, you go home with a slutty undergrad from whom you contract the herpes. Harsh? Sure, but you and people like you are the reason I had a miserable three years in law school to begin with.


The Girl Who’s Going to Get a Better Grade Than You Anyway

P.S. Happy St. Patrick’s Day!!!!!!!

(Obviously this is from a few days ago - but you probably can't read my dates anyway, seeing as how they're in Russian. Heheh. My inner Russian major geek continues to thrive, years out. I'm even making borscht for dinner tonight - pure coincidence.)

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Monday, March 03, 2008

Good Job, Brain

This afternoon they were cleaning my work bathroom, so I had to go to the sketchy bathroom down the hall that's open to the public, and while I was washing my hands, something in one of the stalls started making this clicking noise, and of course my completely normal reaction was OMG IT'S A DEMON! And then I was like, ok, no, calm down, demon's don't exist, it's probably just a murderer, like in Scream. And that is the point when I freaked out and exited the bathroom without drying my hands. Because that's a totally reasonable adult thought process to have at work in the afternoon, thank you, brain. Although, in my defense, the bathroom does resemble the one in Saw in several of it's key design elements (dim, flickering lights, general dankness, etc.)
