i (still) hate the bar exam

The adventures of a disgruntled unemployed former slacker law student struggling to pass the bar exam and find a job involving as little actual legal work as possible.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

When It Rains...

I start my new job on Monday. This morning, Thursday, I got a phone call from the Dept of Labor wanting to interview me for a job I applied for months ago. On Monday. It pays more than 50% more than what I am/will be making. It has potential to pay an absolutely obscene amount of money within five years. It's conveniently located in the very same Federal building I'll be working in. And so I will be leaving my new job early on Monday for an appointment of the very vaguest description.

This afternoon, I received another phone call. Another IRS job I applied for wanted to interview me on Thursday. It's for the same level of position I'm currently/will be in. I politely declined and sent a polite follow up email when they asked me to withdraw my application in writing. Those people work just across the hall. That could have been awkward, and it also would have been pretty pointless since it's a completely lateral move with no upward potential.

Now I was very excited about the first (second? if my new job is the first) job, but since I turned down the second/third/last one, I'm afraid for my interview karma. I don't know why I'm such a superstitious freak. I suspect I can blame my Russian grandmother for a good chunk of that. But anyway, logically I know it would be a waste of everyone's time for me to go to the interview knowing there's almost know way I'd take the job and that someone else will get to go instead and they'll be thrilled. But then the stupider, stronger portion of my brain says that turning down one offer will suddenly cause all other offers to spontaneously combust.

Somebody argue some reason into me. Boyfriend doesn't understand how my crazy girl brain can even leap to these conclusions, so he's being less than useless and is tired of hearing me whine about it.


Monday, July 16, 2007

Everlasting Anxiety

I had an awful dream last night that they were going to reject my LLM application because they found out I petitioned the Academic Standards Committee to take some of my exams late while I was in law school. So I was in such a bad mood all morning. They had better hurry up and accept me.

Less than a week till I start the new job. Eek! I need to find a new hair place asap and get my roots done so I'm not like That New Girl With The Awful Dye Job, as though there will be more than one new girl. Actually I suck with names, so I'll be the one doling out stupid names, like Lady I Don't Know But I Think She Wore A Pink Shirt On The First Day And I Wish People Weren't Allowed To Change Their Clothes Or Move Around Too Much Until You've Got To Know Their Names Or They Should At Least All Wear Name Tags and they'll still be standing there looking at me like "I wonder if the new girl is maybe autistic or something because I said hi to her ten minutes ago and she's just staring at me like she's thinking really hard for no reason, but DAMN she's got fine hair."

I'm looking forward to reclaiming my Life Outside Of Work (or, you know...watching more CSI) since I won't be able to work overtime at the new job. I've been doing the ten hours a day six days a week thing for the last six months. And, mind you, STILL making less than I could have made straight out of college! Stellar! I can't wait to reclaim my weekends though.

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Friday, July 06, 2007

Faking Like I'm Rich Is Hot

I bought myself a Marc Jacobs Blake in Petrol today. Mmm. Dee-licious. We shall not discuss how many hours I had to work to acquire it. The important thing is that I bought it and now no one else can have it. Mine, all mine. I'll post pictures of my precious pretty pookums later. I must go fondle my bag now. So soft... so teal... Precioussss.
