i (still) hate the bar exam

The adventures of a disgruntled unemployed former slacker law student struggling to pass the bar exam and find a job involving as little actual legal work as possible.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Bar Exam News, Again, For Once

Virginia's February bar results are out, and my friend passed! Good for her! I kept telling her she just freaked out the first time and would be fine. She's about to take another bar in July, because she has foresaken the state of Virginia, but she feels like she's going to do fine. Which is good, because she will. She's also wondering if there's any professional application to Commercial Paper, which she is now an expert in, having studied the fine, archaic points of the subject for the last year or so. I'm going to go ahead and guess no on that one.

In other news, it's the last day of classes here, finally, thank god. There were a bunch of 1L's in the hallway all giddy from having given their professors their presents. Do all law schools have this stupid tradition? I can't imagine what ever possessed people to want to give multiple expensive presents, much nicer than anything they could afford for themselves, to the sadists who tortured them all year. Maybe it's Stockholm Syndrome, but I did not suffer from that, although first year was certainly all about suffering, and so I still don't understand.

As I walked up to the buliding, there were also four girls, who I can only assume were undergrads, conducting some sort of parade down the main street on campus, bearing posterboard signs I was too far away to read, and a six foot inflatable p enis. I know it was six feet long, because I had to inflate one manually once, in college. They went into the School of Religion with it.

I'm also moderately excited to notice that my little blog counter thing recently went over 10,000. I guess a lot of people hate the bar exam. Shocking, I know, but apparently true.


Monday, April 07, 2008


Sometimes I like to check the blog of my BFF from college who I rarely talk to anymore, just to make sure she's still alive. I guess I was not particularly concerned for a spell there, because she took her blog down (because someone was stealing from it - for what purpose? I can't imagine) back in January. January of 2007. Oops.

Now instead of emailing her - too obvious - I googled things I thought she might write about. My third try was "Jane & Joe" - her high school friend & conjoined boyfriend, and she popped right up. Then I read a few posts to confirm. It's true what they say: she is still alive.

But here's the thing: I know she has other people we both know who read it, because they post things there. But I feel kind of stalkerish, because she writes things she kind of hides from me. Like she became a vegetarian in college and I already was one and still am, but I know she's not because she eats steak in her blog now. But when I see her she doesn't eat meat. And I want to be like dude, stop living a lie, but then I don't know if I'm not supposed to read her innermost thoughts or whatever.

Are you all still out there? What do you think?
