i (still) hate the bar exam

The adventures of a disgruntled unemployed former slacker law student struggling to pass the bar exam and find a job involving as little actual legal work as possible.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Shh, I'm In Hiding

Ok ok I hear you. Let me gather my thoughts and I'll post something witty and earth-shakingly important tomorrow. Or, like, you know, I'll just bitch and whine about job stuff like usual...

Stupid Blogger made me convert to New Blogger. I loathe change. In the conversion process, they determined that I was born in 1756. Maybe that's why I'm so tired.

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Thursday, February 08, 2007


How can Anna Nicole Smith be dead?? I'm so not prepared for this. I'm going to go lie down.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Totally Excellent

I'm living the dream and going to bed at 9:30 tonight. I'm so excited. My day sucked. I spent the afternoon trying to return our "custom" skylight blinds, which I did not succeed in doing, nor did I achieve my goal of trying to complete the transaction without referring to them as "cheap tacky crap." I did, however, leave the store without the blinds, so I believe the you-touched-them-last theory of Property now applies. This is exactly what I pictured grown-up life would be like when I was a kid. Down to the last glamorous detail. Woooo!!! Party on!!!!!

Monday, February 05, 2007

Estoy Cansada

You know what's hard? Blogging when you're working full time and in the process of moving. Yessiree Bob.

Since I'm sure you're all dying to know what I'm doing, I'll give you a weensy little update.

I have still, STILL, not heard anything back from those putzes at DHS. I'm sure the people doing the hiring are just as thrilled with their crappy HR department as I am, considering they told me in the interview how desperate they were to get someone in and working asap. They can certainly go ahead and shove their crappy job, but how am I supposed to convey that to them when they won't get back to me by any perceptible means of communication? (I haven't ruled out that they may be attempting to communicate with me telepathically, or possibly via resonating crystals, since they are based out of California and all.)

One of my career services ladies actually talked about me to some partner looking to hire a tax associate. He wants me to call him, apparently. I thought I would forward my resume first, so I did that today, and I guess I'll be calling him on Wednesday so he has a chance to get it and all. This would be exciting, except that it would be a hellish hour and half commute each way to the middle of nowhere, where they're festively located. I don't really even want to go out there for an interview, since it would most likely end up being a huge waste of my time anyway and I'd have to miss work to do it. Also I have the feeling that they'd be offering me absolutely nothing in the way of money, since it's a three person firm. So I'm dreading calling, because I don't want to go way the hell out there for nothing and I've got to find some way to ask about the salary without actually asking because we're supposed to pretend like we're looking for jobs for purely altruistic reasons until we have an offer. But there's no way in hell I'm taking half a day off from work and driving halfway to Canada for less than a decent chance at $48k. That's my minimum number to deal with the Commute From Hell, I've decided. Any tactfully worded suggestions for how to approach this would be appreciated.

I guess I've decided what I really want to do is stay at the IRS, but try to get into a better position. There's a lot of stuff about it that I like a lot, like all the benefits, and the people, and the quality of life in general. I've got to put in a few months doing what I was hired for before I can start applying for internal vacancies, but then I'm going to try to become a Tax Law Specialist which I think would be a better use of my stupid worthless law degree.

In other news, we partially moved into our house two weeks ago this Wednesday. We're living in the (finished) attic, and the kitchen and bathroom are done enough to deal with for now. It's sooooo much quieter and warmer than the apartment. Plus I can get to work in just 20 minutes instead of 45, if I go 85 the whole way, which I do so enjoy. Our blinds came in this afternoon, which is very exciting, because it turns out we have two street lights shining conveniently one through each window that have been tormenting us for the past two weeks. We had this construction paper stuff taped up, but it kept falling off and onto me in the middle of the night, much to my displeasure. So hooray blinds, hooray house, and boooooo hisssss to the street lights.