i (still) hate the bar exam

The adventures of a disgruntled unemployed former slacker law student struggling to pass the bar exam and find a job involving as little actual legal work as possible.

Sunday, January 27, 2008


Oh lord. I've been trying to study since 10am Saturday and I just can't do it. I did spend a good long time yesterday though looking up the symptoms of Adult ADD and deciding I have it and that it's therefore not my fault that I spent all that time wasting time instead of just studying the tax aspects of Bankruptcy.

I don't know what's wrong with me. Can't most people sit in an empty room and read 100 pages of the most boring fine print ever committed to paper without getting distracted? No? Well then WHY SHOULD I HAVE TO???? It's just not fair. And I know I brought this on myself by going back to school, but it's not like I had a choice - I'm trying to get a JOB here, it's not like I'm doing this for the pure joy of education. Or because of my apparent fondness for Overwhelming Indebtedness.

Dammit. This was New Year's Resolution #5 - do my reading at some point BEFORE the weekend before finals.

In other belated NYR news, #4 was to get renter's insurance, which has not gotten done, but I at least got a quote.

#3 was to stop spending money, which is going great except for the $10k I just dropped on school and the $4k on a stupid medical expense - both of which make it seem stupid to deprive myself of a $3 latte. I don't even really buy $3 lattes. I mostly buy a cup of tea and two pieces of toast from the office cafeteria, for a grand total of $1.20. What's so wrong with that???

#2 was to go to the gym, which turned out to be easy, because I go in the middle of the day to escape from work, and I would go ALL DAY if I could rather than work - excellent strategy, I must say. My knees and elbows have been hurting though, so I'm clearly doing something wrong. Although it's less painful than the persistant soul ache I get from being in the office.

#1 is my perennial favorite - floss. I was doing moderately well with that until I ran out of floss last week. I have no plans to buy more floss, so that's the end of that until some drops out of the sky. Oh well. I have an understanding with my hygenist anyway - she asks if I floss, I say no, she looks shocked, and life goes on.

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Monday, January 21, 2008


They just released our grades.

I got an A, an A-, and another A-.

This is unbelievable. I struggled to get out of law school with my 3.0. Now I have a freaking 3.8.

And the A is in the class I thought I failed since the exam was so long I couldn't finish it. The highlight of my answer was undoubtedly the essay question I answered "There were no gift tax consequences, except in those transactions that were subject to the gift tax." There must be some dumb people in my program with me, holding up the other end of the curve. And the thing is, I'm not even sure there IS a curve, since the classes are so small.

This was inspiring to me, so I mustered up the energy to make a phone call I've been avoiding. You may recall that I was interviewed very successfully for my Absolute Dream Job a few months ago. My interviewers recommended me enthusiasticaly to the hiring committee, but my application was subsequently rejected with no explanation. I got a form letter rejection email. I wrote back to ask what the problem was. They gave a purely administrative reason that was not based in fact (think: you're not a citizen of this country, when in fact I am, or similar.) I got the name of the person in charge of the hiring committee and emailed them asking that my application be reconsidered, or at the very least that the administrative error be corrected so my application is not summarily rejected again when I reapply next year. Two weeks passed. I haven't heard back. I've been meaning to call her to follow up, but I SO do not want to. I knew she wouldn't be in the office today because it was a holiday, so, confidence bolstered by my PimpAss Grades, I finally picked up the phone.

And... her phone has been disconnected. Hmm. Perhaps she's been fired for gross mismanagement of the recruitment program? One can only hope. So tomorrow I've got to get in touch with someone I know who can tell me what's up. In the meantime, keep your fingers crossed for me that there was, at the very least, some sort of public shaming ceremony held before she was placed on indefinite administrative leave without pay.

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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sadistic Bastards

They were supposed to release grades on Friday by 5pm. They've had all our grades for weeks. They did not release our grades on Friday, however, despite the fact that I checked compulsively throughout the day from 7am on. They then sent an email at 3:40am saying there was something wrong with the server. I suspect, though, that they sent the email at 3:40pm, when they decided it would be nice to get out of work a little ealry to enjoy their long weekend, and just set the email to send later. Thanks guys!!!
