i (still) hate the bar exam

The adventures of a disgruntled unemployed former slacker law student struggling to pass the bar exam and find a job involving as little actual legal work as possible.

Friday, July 28, 2006

How to Fill the Day

I've got so much free time now I almost don't know what to do. Things I plan to do today:

1. take a shower without resenting the fact that i'll have to do it again tomorrow
2. go to the pharmacy to pick up the medication that ran out three days ago
3. pack for my trip to the Indian Casino
4. watch HGTV for as long as I want
5. drive to the Indian Casino
6. eat yummy food that I did not boil in a bag
7. drink many drinks (or, like, 2)
8. give over my life savings to the roulette wheel

Let's compare that to this time last week:

1. panic
2. 40 MBE questions
3. review Torts
4. Torts essays
5. eat can of soup
6. review Corporations
7. Corporations essays
8. panic
9. review Partnership
10. Partnership essays
11. eat bowl of burned rice
12. 40 MBE questions
13. panic


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