i (still) hate the bar exam

The adventures of a disgruntled unemployed former slacker law student struggling to pass the bar exam and find a job involving as little actual legal work as possible.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Omigod omigod I take it all back! I'm so scared! This sucks! I did a bunch of MBE questions to try to alert my brain of things to come and I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!!! I don't know what I did for the last 2 months, but it certainly wasn't any of the right stuff! I don't know the difference among any of the defamation torts and I have only ever gotten 1 advanced crim law question right and that was by accident! Agggggggh!!!

But, I mean, it's cool, because it's not like I have to worry about getting fired when I fail, since I am completely Jobless. Just FYI, this is going to turn into the I Hate the Legal Job Market blog in a couple of days (likely with a brief return to hating the bar exam next January/February when I have to retake.)


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