i (still) hate the bar exam

The adventures of a disgruntled unemployed former slacker law student struggling to pass the bar exam and find a job involving as little actual legal work as possible.

Friday, August 04, 2006


It's a lovely 68 and raining today - HUGE improvement over 98 with Sun the Destroyer for the last three days. Yay! And I got up in time to watch Martha again. Yay! Altough I used an alarm today, so it's cheating.

Career Services lost my appointment yesterday, so my normally nice lady was all rushed because she wasn't expecting me. She was basically like "Oh, don't start really worrying unless it's February and you still don't have a job." Agh! What kind of advice is that! I can't wait until February! I have a mortgage and rent to pay right now! And the first scourge of loans comes due in December! A pox on you woman!

She also told me to network, which makes me so mad I can't write about it today. But she validated (read: unenthusiastically approved of) my targeted mailing idea. In case you didn't know the difference between targeted and mass mailings (I certainly didn't) they both involve sending one cover letter to hundreds of firms, but with the targeted mailing, you only send your "I want to do Family Law" letter to firms that actually do Family Law. Sounds like a no brainer to me, but I guess a lot of people I went to school with didn't have a lot of common sense. I'm not even going to try to start dealing with the horror of that until next week.

I have three jobs I need to try to apply for today but I just can't get myself to care. It seems so pointless. I pull up the posting and my arms turn to lead and I get all tired and just want to go lie down for a few minutes and then all of a sudden it's Friday. I wish I had an intern.

Meh... Whatever. I'll do it after I learn how to juice a pomegranite. And after the Price is Right is over. Maybe.


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