i (still) hate the bar exam

The adventures of a disgruntled unemployed former slacker law student struggling to pass the bar exam and find a job involving as little actual legal work as possible.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Oh Lord Won't You Give Me A Job At Appeals

Well I don't think it went particularly well. But, clearly, when you think an interview/test/first date has gone well, it actually means you're a miserable failure (not that the event it self was, mind you - you know you're the big loser.) I don't know if the opposite is true though.

It sounded to me like they were looking to hire the least lawyerly lawyer possible. They want someone who won't write 60 pages when will do and who can take orders from a non-JD without getting some kind of superiority complex. They also kept saying they knew I could do the job but that they're looking for the right personality fit.

That's my downfall I think. If they want to see people's personalities, they should take us out drinking or camping in the woods or make us express ourselves through the wonders of collage. The one thing I'm not in an interview is myself. But could they really, possibly imagine that I would sit at work shaking and sweating with a twitching eye all day every day? And didn't the guy down the hall with the twitching eye who collects his own hair and fingernail clippings in jars on the shelf at the back of his office come off as a real charmer when he had his interview 27 years ago? You bet he did, and that's why they're so nervous about hiring people now.


Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I Hope It Rains And You Lose

I may be dropping Spanish. There are, you see, eight Tuesdays of class, five of which are cursed with home games.

Now, I know driving to Kenmore Square where my class is on a night when the Red Sox have a game a couple of blocks away is going to be a pain in the ass. I anticipate unholy hordes of drunks piling into and out of their cars for miles around. But I expect that to mainly take place NEAR GAME TIME, not so much two hours beforehand. And so it was that I came to drive very slowly for TWO HOURS in a train of aforementioned drunkenly weaving hordes desperately searching for a parking space, as far away as a 45 minute walk away from where I was going at 5pm tonight. I did not find a parking space. Not ever. To pass the time, I composed a modest proposal whereby everyone wishing to drive to a Red Sox game who doesn't live more than an hour away by car would be taxed, preferably in the form of having to kill one of their loved ones for the privilege (and I mean personally - no hired guns or arranged "accidents" - something really hands on.) I believe they have a similar system in London.

And lo! I see I am not alone - I was just trying to look up the London system, but this is even better. Now excuse me, I've got to go lobby for this to pass. In the suburbs. The far, outlying suburbs, too far away for even the drunkest idiots to park and try to walk to the game from. And I bet when I get there they'll still be there, parking in front of a fire hydrant and stumbling south, towards Fenway, which is deceptively visible from very, very far away.


Thursday, April 19, 2007

Third Time's A Charm, Right?

I've got an interview with the state Department of Revenue this Thursday. They called this morning and I didn't call them back immediately because I didn't even realize who was calling me. I've been applying to a ton of random non-lawyer stuff, and I had applied to two jobs at DOR that are similar to what I'm doing at the IRS, so I thought it was for that. I was totally freaking out when I realized who it was and what it was for (and how much more it would pay - almost $20k - yeesh!)

So if anyone is still out there, cross your fingers for me next Thursday at 4.


Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I've Got Nothing

Things have been pretty busy up at Ye Olde IRS, as you might expect. I got certified to work by myself last Friday, which means I can work overtime now - sweet, sweet overtime, where I net more than double my normal hourly rate. I've been home sick for the last two days, but I'm pretty sure I can still work overtime, because it kicks in if you work more than 8 hours in one day. Awesome.

I also got a commemorative pin for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence or something like that for having lots of perfect reviews. I get to wear it on my id badge neck strap and make everyone else jealous. I thought I had skin cancer or some kind of hideous fungus or something for a week last week until I realized that it was just the neck strap wearing away my skin. I bought it at my law school's bookstore too, so selling me razor sharp ribbons to wear around my neck is just one more thing they're doing to look out for me after graduation. Thanks guys!!! It was probably manufactured by unemployed law students they locked in a dungeon to make them go away. And that boosts the numbers too, since technically slavery is a form of employment.

I've been semi-productive with my job applications for the last few days. I just found something that sounds very similar to my current job, but with the state. The major difference is that it pays $11,000 more to start. Is that not completely ridiculous? I want $11,000. Think of all the shoes I could buy! Not to mention the purses. It's still not an attorney position, but I've pretty much given up on ever getting one of those.
