i (still) hate the bar exam

The adventures of a disgruntled unemployed former slacker law student struggling to pass the bar exam and find a job involving as little actual legal work as possible.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Owie Ow Ow

I've had a lovely migraine for three days now. I only have 5 pills left and no refills until October 8th. I'm contemplating having my doctor see me as an emergency. I need her to make my stupid insurance company let me have more pills at a time. I would also like a nice IV full of ergotamine.

My printer won't let me print because it is out of Cyan. I do not want to print with Cyan. I want to print in black & white, and I believe I made my intentions quite clear. My printer is being a bitch. My printer is about to go flying out the window. I need it to print the temporary registration for my car. I just know I'm going to get pulled over and get some kind of $100 ticket. Die printer! Die!

Ugggh I feel like such crap. I don't want to go to stupid awful work! I get so motion sick when I have a headache that even my own driving makes me feel worse. Stupid body! You just wait until they develop some kind of robot body that a human brain can live in! I'll be out of you so f*ing fast!


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