i (still) hate the bar exam

The adventures of a disgruntled unemployed former slacker law student struggling to pass the bar exam and find a job involving as little actual legal work as possible.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Probably Not A Good Sign

My new temp job overlooks Purgatory Cove. I suppose Purgatory is halfway between heaven and hell, but given my past experience, I think I can safely say which side my office will be located on.

I'm mildly excited that I managed to harass my agency into finding me another job right away. It pays a whole 25 cents an hour more than the one I just finished, which brings the rate up to the absolute minimum I'm willing to accept. Even better, this job goes from 9-5, so goodbye getting up at 6am! Supposedly this one is doing data entry of some sort. I know that's typically about as far down the ladder as you can get, but I'd rather do anything than answer phones.

I also got my first paycheck today, which is very exciting. They managed not to screw up the withholdings, which means I only had medicare and social security taken out. Polite golf claps for them! As you may recall, I'm so poverty-stricken that I qualified for the Earned Income Credit last year, so no one has any business withholding anything from the pitiful income I do earn. At least not until next year. I hope.


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