i (still) hate the bar exam

The adventures of a disgruntled unemployed former slacker law student struggling to pass the bar exam and find a job involving as little actual legal work as possible.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Operation ANIDWT - Day 1

Ok. So. I didn't quite do what I was supposed to, but I at least did something.

  1. I applied to a state government job to do something that sounds like audit banks, which is at least a little bit law-related (but who cares anyway - it's a government job /drool/.) And that application required like 15 different forms and a copy of my freaking credit report, which I just happened to have lying around, AND a trip to the post office.
  2. I applied to H&R Block to be a tax season person.
So not lawyer jobs, but they would both be paying jobs at least. I couldn't bring myself to start the awful targeted mailing thing, and I'm really, really not feeling it today either. I can't decide if I should hold it to just 4/day, or make them build up so today I should do 8. I guess that would just terrorize me and make me not want to do it even more.

We'll see what I can get done today. It's already 11. Argh! Stupid time! Why do you fly! Why?!?

What are the great unemployed masses doing for Christmas/holiday presents this year? I'm a big present person, but I'm even poorer now than when I was a student. And I'm no longer liking my previous cookie idea.


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