i (still) hate the bar exam

The adventures of a disgruntled unemployed former slacker law student struggling to pass the bar exam and find a job involving as little actual legal work as possible.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

So Close, And Yet, So Poor

Argh! I almost just rented a place! I was even closer than last time! This girl brought her checkbook and was prepared to put down a deposit, but she couldn't do the whole first month's rent, which is what we require, so I had to send her away. Argh!!!

She is in love with a place I showed her though, and she made an appointment to come back on Wednesday when she gets paid, so hopefully this will go through.

Things That Must Happen So I Can Get Paid Instead Of Getting Evicted And Starving To Death:
  1. The apartment must not get rented between now and Wednesday.
  2. The girl must get paid as usual on Wednesday.
  3. The girl must return to my office on Wednesday.
  4. The girl must not have a change of heart between now and Wednesday.
I think she actually has to have all her deposits (first/last/security, etc.) in before I get paid, and I think it might take them a while after that to do the paperwork and write me a check. But I prefer to think of it as that I get paid the very instant she submits her application.

I've got another appointment tomorrow with a guy who told me up front that he's extremely picky. So I'm not particularly optimistic, but you never know what people will like.


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