i (still) hate the bar exam

The adventures of a disgruntled unemployed former slacker law student struggling to pass the bar exam and find a job involving as little actual legal work as possible.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Sick & Tired

I've got a new temp assignment - the most menial to date! I'm in the accounting department of some kind of investment bank that's about to have its year-end audit done. They need someone to go to their monstrous file room, pull checks, take out the staples, photocopy them, staple them back up and refile them for 8 1/2 hours a day until its done. I told them I was an attorney right off the bat so they'd be a little more respectful than the people at the last place. They were horrified that the temp agency sent me to them. They must have apologized 15 times yesterday for how boring what I was doing must have been to me. Awesome.

In real estate land, Craigslist decided to be totally evil and administratively delete all my listings. This does not please me. They did the same thing to another guy at my office. I sent them an Esquire email to see what happened. You know...

Dear Blah,

What's up?

Love, X, Esq.

P.S. Esq. means I could sue you, so answer up quick, bitch.

I doublechecked all my ads and there's nothing illegal about them, so they'd better offer up a groveling apology, stat. Somehow though, I doubt that's going to happen.

So I've been applying to basically anything that sounds like it would be something I could do in state & federal government. I got an email yesterday offering me an interview for what sounds like a paralegal job at a Federal agency (I can't say which agency this time because it's embarassing - it's one of the evil ones.) It's year-round and one grade higher than the IRS thing, although it's something I'm less interested in (and maybe a little bit morally opposed to.) So we'll see how that goes.

Ugh. God. I don't want to go to work. This assignment sucks so very, very much. Plus I've got some kind of awful cold/throat thing. And I have to ride the filthy, dirty train. And my "comfy" shoes pinched my toes all day yesterday so now all my shoes hurt. Whine whine whine! Whine!!!


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