i (still) hate the bar exam

The adventures of a disgruntled unemployed former slacker law student struggling to pass the bar exam and find a job involving as little actual legal work as possible.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Doing My To Do's

I've been doing my Christmas cards all weekend. I love that Martha Stewart feeling of superiority you get when you've tracked down the address, stuffed the card in the envelope, and put the stamp on. Especially if you get your cards in the mail before you receive any.

I desperately need to take my Bar Bri books back this week. I've been carting them around in my trunk in a little mini suitcase since the day I found out I passed at the beginning of November. But I keep not going. It's just such a pain in the ass to park downtown. Yuck. Maybe tomorrow. I wish I'd done it earlier. I could really use the money since I haven't gotten paid since, oh, what now, the first week of November?

I've got zero interest in this real estate crap now. I didn't go in all weekend and I'm still not in and it's 12:30 (although, to be fair, I've never been in before noon.) But I'm supposed to be writing up the stupid lease for the stupid girl's stupid apartment. I don't see why I should rush though. She's obviously going to wait until the last possible second to get in her deposits and earn me my commission. Ugh.

Plus I'm starting to get nervous about telling my manager I'm leaving. The plan is to tell him I need to cut back to part-time, but in reality, part-time will mean I'm never in the office, ever, and given my current level of enthusiasm, will essentially just mean I'm quitting.

Monday is supposed to be my gym day but I so don't feel like it. I never do on Monday. Even when I'm barely doing anything else and the days all blend together, my body can still tell it's Monday, and it doesn't want to move. Stupid lazy body.


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