i (still) hate the bar exam

The adventures of a disgruntled unemployed former slacker law student struggling to pass the bar exam and find a job involving as little actual legal work as possible.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Creepy Weirdo

I'm pretty sure I sit in my How the IRS Works class and smile gleefully every time the professor talks about how the IRS has these masses of authority to come in and seize your assets or put a lien on your paycheck. I hope no one notices, because I sit towards the back, but if they do, I bet I look creepy.

In other creepy weirdo news, I want to punch every 2L I see walking around in a suit (obviously doing on campus interviews and about to make a crapload of money to not do very much at all, based solely on some luck as a 1L.) That's normal though, right?


Monday, September 24, 2007

I Swear To God

If I go to work and they tell me I look "awful" one more time... I'm going to... do... well nothing I suppose. But it will continue to make me feel bad. It's not my fault I have extraordinarily thin skin that shows the world exactly how much sleep I'm (not) getting. Apparently, I look particularly awful on Wednesdays (my classes being held on Monday and Tuesday evenings.) They seem to think it's because I go out partying every night. I think they must think I'm ten years younger than I actually am.

Anyone know a good, thick, long-wearing concealer? Maybe one that shoots out refractive laser beams to thwart nosy, tactless colleagues?

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Saturday, September 08, 2007

Schmoozing For The Anti-Social

A guy from the place I most want to work came to talk to us at orientation on Tuesday for ten minutes. He left a stack of cards on a table. I took one. On Thursday, I emailed him. He wrote back immediately and said I could either come by the office sometime and he would introduce me around, or that a bunch of people from the office were going out for drinks and I could join them on Friday. I being both a current and former law student, opted for the drinks.

I got the location and went to find them last night after work (or, frankly, at 4pm, since we all work for the Feds). Unfortunately I had only seen this guy once, for ten minutes, in a stream of other people I had never seen before. And he had been wearing a suit. No one in the bar was wearing a suit.

I circled the bar. I ordered a drink. I strained my ears, listening for one-liners involving the tax code followed by hysterical laughter. Nothing. Then I spotted a government ID dangling from a girl's purse. This was not dispositive, as there were many other government employees likely to be in the area. Then, I got my break: two girls came in, spoke to the people at the table, and went to bring over some extra chairs:

"Excuse me," I said, stepping in front of one, "but do you work for the IRS?" She, nervous perhaps of inciting a bar fight, admitted that she did.

"Is one of you Joe?"

"Um, yes. Do you know Joe?"

"Well, no, but he said he would be here."

"Have you met Joe before?"

"Well, no, not really."

Her, alarmed: "Are you stalking Joe??"

But overall I think it went pretty well. I figured since none of them are in any position to affect hiring in any way, I might as well just be myself and try to get them to like me. I got the girl who thought I was a stalker to stay two hours longer than she intended to with my favorite work-related bizzaro medical story.

And Joe, which is obviously not his real name, said I could still stop by the office to meet the higher ups.


Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Long Time, No See

It's my first day back to school. All of my classes this semester are in the two rooms that I had all my 1L classes in. It's trippy in a bad way. I swear I'm having actual visual disturbances. Unpleasant. I was doing my reading at the last minute last night and that was unpleasantly similar to law school too. I very much hated law school.

It's not all bad though. At least now I'm a Law Student again, instead of just severely underemployed. And one of my professors is pretty hot, so that's a bonus. And I can blog in class, thanks to wifi.
