i (still) hate the bar exam

The adventures of a disgruntled unemployed former slacker law student struggling to pass the bar exam and find a job involving as little actual legal work as possible.

Monday, July 10, 2006


I've been dreaming about the bar exam for seven weeks now. I always have weird, vivid dreams, but normally they're really involved and interesting, like the one where the Tasmanian Devil was trying to kill Santa Claus and I had to save Christmas by playing the guitar. My bar exam dreams, however, are not so interesting, but I guess they're still weird.

I had one dream where I was trying to figure out the Rule against Perpetuities (my arch enemy) and all of a sudden I realized that all I had to do was make the three floating cookies align. I was so happy. I was like omigod this is so easy! You just push them all up into a row and that's it! Why didn't I understand this before! Imagine my crushing disappointment when I woke up...

I also dreamed I was taking the MBE, but it graded itself as you went along, and every time I got a wrong answer these little tiny people on the page would be hanged. No pressure! So I was sitting there getting all the answers wrong and all the little people were crying and begging me to save them and I was sobbing about how stupid I am and killing them all.

Today is my last day of BarBri. Woohoo!


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