i (still) hate the bar exam

The adventures of a disgruntled unemployed former slacker law student struggling to pass the bar exam and find a job involving as little actual legal work as possible.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Fuzzy Ponies vs. Broken Glass

I've got 40 minutes till I need the taxi to show up and whisk me away to the airport. So, clearly, I'm not packed yet. And, equally clearly, the best way to utilize my time is updating my blog and watching Emergency Vets. Furry little animals are so freaking cute.

Speaking of which, they were giving pony rides on our new street on Saturday. They had the two cutest little teeny tiny Welsh ponies. In between rides they were devouring the neighbors' yards, which got me thinking - we totally need to buy a pony instead of a lawn mower. They might have a higher initial cost, but with gas prices and all, I'm sure you make up for that right away. Plus they'll do the entire lawn by themselves, like those Roomba vacuum things, only more accurate. There are no grass clippings to clean up - they have a built in storage tank. And when they're done digesting you can sell what's left as fertilizer. Brilliant! The Welsh Pony Lawn Care System - buy yours today!

The pony rides were for the 11th annual Lobster Fest that the neighbor three doors down does. They had 600 (six hundred!!) pounds of lobster and bbq, plus the ponies, a moon bounce, and assorted games. We so picked the right neighborhood. I can't wait to move out of our current crappy apartment, where the most popular neighborhood activity is Break the Empty Bottle in the Street.

Ok 20 minutes now I've got to go get serious about packing.


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