i (still) hate the bar exam

The adventures of a disgruntled unemployed former slacker law student struggling to pass the bar exam and find a job involving as little actual legal work as possible.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Greedy Bastards

I had my temp place interview this morning. I was worried about the computer tests since I had to purge all non-essential information from my brain to remember such things as MAD FIFI4. So things like my internal spellcheck, my ability to speak English without sounding drunk, and my childhood memories are all gone now. But I managed to type 1 wpm faster than it said I could on my resume (even with my new Talons of Death - no stress = no nailbiting) and I did fine on their stupid Word/Excel/Powerpoint tests. Great. I'm qualified to do a job that only requires a high school diploma! Woohoo!!!

While I was in there one of the agency ladies was talking to this temp guy about potential assignments and he was like "I'll do anything, but nothing law related - no more paralegal!!" That's what I'm looking for, so that's nice to hear. Not. I wanted to ask him why. Did they tie him up in the basement and beat him with reeds? That's fine with me if they pay me enough. And, for the record, enough would be $15/hr or more. I'd go as low as $12 (yes I know that's pitiful and sad) if they don't physically abuse me.

I know that sounds low, but it's probably as good as, if not better than, what I could make as a lawyer. I'm absolutely disgusted by the starting salaries they're offering at the non-BigFirm jobs around here. Everything I see seems to pay about $40k, sometimes much less! That might be one thing if you're living in, say, small town Iowa, but it's just cruel, heartless, and unrealistic here. Let's explore:

Estimated Taxes, etc. - $10,700 (inc. your $2500 max student loan interest deduction)
Average 1-Bdrm Rent - $14,400
Loan Repayment - $12,000
Public Transportation - $750
Total - $37,850

So that leaves you $2,150 (just under $180/month) for food, clothing, utilities, health insurance, emergencies, etc. That's obviously a joke, since each of those things alone costs about $180/month. Hmm...do I want to eat ramen noodles in the cold dark, or quietly starve to death with the lights on, which will also allow me to entertain myself by looking at that malignant looking splotch on my arm that I can't afford to have a doctor look at... What the hell are they thinking?


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