i (still) hate the bar exam

The adventures of a disgruntled unemployed former slacker law student struggling to pass the bar exam and find a job involving as little actual legal work as possible.

Monday, October 02, 2006

It's an L not an N, moron!

I chickened out of quitting my temp job. A steady income is a steady income, even if that income would put me below the poverty line if I just had a couple more children. Or, you know, any. My boss has disappeared too, so I haven't been able to send in my timesheet, which means I won't be getting paid this week.

No news still from the real estate firm. I'm starting to feel like maybe they misspelled my email address because I have what is apparently a difficult last name. I hate that. I don't know why people get so lazy when they're dealing with something so personal. I mean is it like, "Hmm, I see her name is Cathrine. I have a friend named Kathryn. I'll just spell it that way instead." Or what??? I always make an effort to doublecheck a name whenever I send anything, but apparently no one else can be bothered because people are constantly sending emails to nowhere when they mean to send them to me. And I mean on most email programs the name pops up halfway through once you've dealt with the person before, so you have to make a conscious decision to override it and be like "Oh god, not that name again, I'm tired of that one, let's just substitute an 'n' here and see what happens."

I just sent out thank you emails to all the people I met at my interview on Friday. I don't normally go in for that whole thing, but I really really want this job. Or any job.

I've been slacking off in the job search because of those two interviews last week. I only applied to one new job, and that was at the IRS, so obviously I have no chance. I haven't done a thing with that stupid targeted mailing yet either. It just all seems so hopeless, even after the interviews. Every job posting I see is for civil litigation, which I would totally suck at and hate. /sigh/


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