i (still) hate the bar exam

The adventures of a disgruntled unemployed former slacker law student struggling to pass the bar exam and find a job involving as little actual legal work as possible.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

I Love Costco

I have previously posted about my smoldering desire to own a piece of Marc Jacobs arm candy. I have been seriously fantasizing about buying one since I'm working all this overtime - it would only take me a month to make the money, which seems entirely reasonable. My fantasies have been thwarted, though, by the fact that my computer is an unholy piece of crap that makes me blind with rage every time I even think about it. I've been fantasizing about replacing it with a Mac, then taking it outside, beating it to death with a pickax, then having Boyfriend hoist it up in the air while I shoot six inch roofing nails through it. Heheh. God I feel better just thinking about it, but then I realize I'm still typing on the dirty MF'er and there I go, blind with rage again. Argh!

Anyway, back to subjects that don't make me shoot streams of black wrathful bile out my ears, I was browsing Costco.com, as I will of a Sunday afternoon, and to my shock I found that they sell the very purse I want, and at a discount. You may look, but please don't buy in case quantities are limited. Unlike evil eBay, I trust Costco not to sell me cheap rags and tell me they're designer. So now I must seriously weigh my options. The purse, while less useful in general, will surely outlast a new laptop since all my previous laptops have kicked the vile spittoon after two years at the most. So I don't know yet.

All this, of course, is ignoring the $4,000 I just racked up at the dentist this week. On top of the $7,000 from before mind you. Not to mention the Monstrous School Debt that I'm about to (hopefully) start adding to again. Ahh...but I'm in denial about all that, so we'll just close all the monthly statements and pretend that never happened.


Sunday, May 13, 2007

Ethics For Lawyers

I guess I've decided to apply for the LLM in Taxation thing. I am not pleased, but I'm a little bit excited. Not about having the chance to earn another useless degree, paying $35,000 for the privilege, or attending boring classes that teach me less than nothing. No - I'm excited because I'll be an LLM Candidate, which sounds so much better than Unemployed Loser (although I suppose I'm technically a Federal Employee, but I consider my job so temporary that I can't bring myself to think of myself that way.)

The scariest part, aside from the fact that I'll be dumping another huge truckload of money on top of my Bottomless Pit of Massive Debt, is trying to find two law professors who "know me well" and convincing them to write something vaguely positive about me within a set time frame. My law professors did not know me well. My strategy, therefore, was to email the four professors I had in my last semester of school, hoping against all odds that my name might trigger some glimmer or recollection, and that they would take pity on me and just write something since I was obviously reduced to begging for help from complete strangers.

Shockingly enough, I did get two responses right away. One person just offered to do it, thank god, but the other person said something kind of weird. He said he would be happy to help me if I would just send him a complete draft of what I want said about me for him to look over. He basically wants me to write it so he can sign it.

Now people at work assured me that this happens all the time and there is nothing shady about it at all, but I'm not so sure. So I'm asking you - the conscience I never had - for your opinion. Is this normal? Is this ethical? Is this a golden opportunity? Do people get expelled or fired for that kind of thing? Eh? Speak up - I'm getting old.
