i (still) hate the bar exam

The adventures of a disgruntled unemployed former slacker law student struggling to pass the bar exam and find a job involving as little actual legal work as possible.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Oprah + Vicodin = Good Times Indeed

I had my surgery this morning. It was surprisingly fast. I feel ok so far, but the novacaine might still be working. I've got this long skinny velcro ice pack thing wrapped around my head under my chin like in the cartoons. V. attractive. The one dark cloud was that one of the assistants went out to the waiting room while they were working on me and innocently asked Boyfriend if I had brought my pills with me, then took my 1 remaining Ambien and Threw It Away! F* you buddy! I PAID for that! Not happy at all.

Now I have to get up the inner strength to battle my worthless insurance company to reimburse me for this. I can't tell you how much I don't want to have to deal with this crap again. It took me a whole entire year, about 100 phone calls, and getting the state insurance commission involved to get them to pay me anything when I first had my accident.

I didn't win my second dress last night, but that's ok because it wasn't as cute as the one I did get. Better still, Boyfriend said some things that made it sound like he might buy me my purse for our anniversary =) He had said last Xmas that he would get me one, but I wouldn't let him cause they're so expensive. But then my friend's boyfriend just bought her this monster freaking Chanel purse for their anniversary and I suddenly have total all-consuming purse envy. Plus if he can find it online for cheap I won't feel so bad. And anyway he is extremely gainfully employed.

What do you think: short straps or long straps?

This is why I became a lawyer by the way. I wanted to buy nice shoes and things. And a horse. I've got to put the horse off a few more years though.


  • At 9:07 PM, Blogger The Once and Future TC said…

    They threw away your Ambien? THEY THREW...AWAY...YOUR AMBIEN????!!!!!???!!!!

    THIS is why you became a lawyer, my dear...sue the bastards! Sue them for all they've got! Or, um, until they give you back the Ambien.

    And: long straps. Sucks not to be able to throw it over your shoulder when your hands are full.

  • At 6:46 AM, Blogger Frolics and Detours said…

    I like the short straps, but I can't argue with Tab's reasoning. I heart Marc Jacobs.

  • At 11:50 AM, Blogger feithline said…

    I prefer the look of the short straps. I always feel like I should get a bag with a sholder strap, but in reality (where I seldom tread) I have a ton of bags I have to hold and it never bothers me. I turn into a freak when I travel though and have to have a purse with a shoulder strap. Don't know why.

    Hmm..the other disadvantage though is the Venetia/short strap bag has that buckle over the top that would drive me insane. But it's so much cuter....

    Anyway, the point may be moot cause I'm too scared of buying an expensive fake to do this on ebay.

  • At 11:52 AM, Blogger feithline said…

    Re: Ambien Theft

    I'm contemplating writing a long nasty letter in re: efforts to destroy my personal property through illegal search and invasion of privacy. But I need them to be nice and write a letter to my insurance company first.

    But I'm still so pissed about it that I haven't been able to sleep for the last two nights. If only I had some sort of magical pill to fight insomnia.... GRR!!!


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