i (still) hate the bar exam

The adventures of a disgruntled unemployed former slacker law student struggling to pass the bar exam and find a job involving as little actual legal work as possible.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Two More Interviews - Neat!

That's right. I'm Pop-u-lar. I've only been back in school for two months, and it has yielded 2 interviews, 1 callback, and a call from a recruiter based on a reference from an alumna. I heart my LLM. The third interview was just the result of my relentless pursuit of cushy government jobs that have little or nothing to do with the law. I also heart USAJobs.

So Monday I had an interview with my total government attorney dream job. The guys who interviewed me were young enough to find their way around the web, so I won't say specifically what it was, but it was the people I went shmoozing/boozing with in a previous post. And it turned out to be with two people who were there that night, who I had already met then and several other times, so it was minimally stressful. They seemed pretty positive about it. I don't want to be, because they can't crush a dream I pretend I don't have, right? I have a feeling the evil government HR people are going to screw me on a technicality. Sigh. But at least I had the interview...

Today I had an interview for a job I couldn't care less about, for a different government agency, but that pays 50% more than what I do now. Nothing else I'm interviewing for would start for at least 6 or 7 months, so I guess if they offered it to me I'd ignore that strange guilty feeling that comes from god knows where and take it. So we shall see how that works out.

Actually, this particular agency totally screwed me when I applied for this very job at the end of July. It occurs to me that I never blogged the story of how. Basically, they called me up, interviewed me, then told me that, because of an HR "oversight" they never should have interviewed me at all. And the reason they were digging around and discovered the oversight was because they wanted to hire me after that interview. Nice, non? I keep meaning to write a letter to that woman's supervisor so she can be sure to have it in her personnel file for all eternity. Maybe I'll do that right after I write my Xmas cards (and no, I'm not writing those *now* - I just schedule my letter writing way ahead.)

This wretched government HR error is not to be confused with the time when the Dept of Homeland Suckurity HR people totally screwed me on a job offer back last spring. And I've since become pretty sure that they were completely incorrect in the decision that was made there, and if I had known enough to fight it, I could have been earning almost a living wage this whole entire year. I hate them so much. I did send a letter to that evil whore's supervisor. So you see, I am capable of following through on my idle letter-writing threats.

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Saturday, October 20, 2007

This Is Why I Still Hate The Bar Exam

Back in the spring of 2000, I studied in France for a semester. There were a bunch of smart girls on my program; one in particular who had been in an awful car accident that took a year to recover from, but was still going to graduate with a 3.98 something. I was starting to look at grad school that semester, since I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life after graduating with a degree in Sorority Life and a minor in Oh God I Shouldn't Have Had That Tequila.

My friend suggested that I go to law school. (And she knows I blame her to this day for how that turned out, but that's a different story.) She said I was smart and that it made sense for smart women to become lawyers. She convinced me. We were going to be human rights lawyers and live in the South of France and make beauty products from lavendar in our spare time.

So I took the LSAT and went to law school. She chickened out at the last minute because she gets awful test anxiety, despite the ridiculously high GPA, so she ended up a year behind me.

She took her evil bar exam this year. The results came out from her state last week. I've checked multiple times, but unless she seriously changed her name without telling me, she is not on the list of people who passed.

It's just so ridiculous. I know on an intellectual level that smart people must fail the bar all the time, but what I forced myself to believe when I had to take it myself was that smart people didn't fail. I figured stupid people failed; people who didn't take studying seriously failed; people who were going through a messy divorce failed; people with a new baby at home failed; people who were in car accidents on the way to the testing site failed. There had to be something else going on for people to fail. But why should smart people who would make excellent lawyers fail? Why would we want to keep smart, great lawyers out of the profession? It doesn't make any sense. And god knows I had this concept beaten out of me in first semester Criminal Law, but it's not FAIR.

She already has a job, so she's going to have to work full time while she tries to study for February. She also failed her MPRE, so she's already got to study for that this fall, too. And her test anxiety is already bad, but I just know the pressure of feeling like she has to pass or else she'll get fired is going to affect her. Argh. Not fair at all.


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Price Is Right

Yeah, I stayed home "sick" mainly to watch the new Price Is Right with Drew Carey that premiered yesterday, which I Tivo'd, as well as the new episode today. What are you gonna do about it?

I also wanted 2 extra hours of sleep. And I put my inner whiny do-gooder back to sleep by promising to study for pretty much the whole day (after TPIR is over, obviously.) We'll see how that goes.

The host change seems ok. DC is a better choice than that guy from Saved By The Bell and whoever all else they were considering. The host can't be someone with an obtrusive personality or who wants to be famous too badly. I'm ok with this. Although I think they rigged all the games because everyone won their individual prize and two people got the dollar on their spins. And the little trashy sorority girl won a trailer. Heh.

I love the old people commercials. They make me think of my Estate Planning class.

As a bonus, now that I've established a fake illness, I can try to get out of work a couple hours early tomorrow to go shmooze people at this school career thing that's at 3 tomorrow, after I drag myself in like a hero.

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Saturday, October 13, 2007

OCI + B4 = $$$

Omg! Omg! I got an OCI interview! It's unreal. I found out on Friday. I was in absolute, total shock. Me! OCI! Two words, never before seen outside of bitter rants! Well ok, I did have one as a 2L, for the Post Office, where the woman told me she thought I'd be incredibly bored. And I had two, as a 3L, that led to nothing, but that was over TWO YEARS ago.

It was for a Big Four accounting firm. I had it on Wednesday. It was 45 minutes, but it ended up not seeming particularly long. The guy didn't seem that interested in finding anything out about me, so I was freaking out afterwards.

But what did I find in my email this morning? It was an invitation for a second interview! Omg!!! I have never had a second interview! Not ever! Eeeeeeee!

I'm SO EXCITED! They pay money there! Cash money! Money I could pay my student loans with! I don't care if they want to hang me upside down in the basement of the building and bleed me dry - I would agree to anything for approximately double what I'm making now. Oh god think of the shoes I could buy - THINK OF THE SHOES!!!

Anyone know anything about second interviews? Or accounting firms? Or have shoe recommendations? Help me out people!
