i (still) hate the bar exam

The adventures of a disgruntled unemployed former slacker law student struggling to pass the bar exam and find a job involving as little actual legal work as possible.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Adventures In Licensure

I had and interview for a real estate job with The Biggest Jerk On The Face Of The Earth on Friday night. He spent over 2 hours (on Friday night!!) telling me all the reasons he didn't think I could succeed as an agent and simultaneously going on about how great he was. He made me do role playing stuff, like trying to sell him a pen when he already had 5 of them, and pretending to be a crazy tenant in an apartment I wanted to show. I was like look buddy, I'm not gonna put some Kung Fu moves on some fucking psychopath to get people into an apartment. That's gotta be the landlord's problem. I wanted to leave after about half an hour. And then, at the end, he was like "So can you start Monday?" I was like umm...yeah...Let me get back to you on that.... I'm not even gonna email him though, cause I'm so scared he'd write back.

This morning I had an interview with a guy who was infinitely more sane. The place seemed nice enough, but it didn't make me want to leap for joy or anything. It was just kind of meh.

But then yesterday, I had an interview with this guy who was super nice and looked like a slightly chubby John Cusak. This, I feel, makes him the ideal boss. Plus he's got a girlfriend so I could have a total miniature office crush on him without having it get all weird. And I guess whatever he said about what the job would involve sounded good. Whatever. It gave me the warm fuzzies. I want to work at a place that gives me warm fuzzies.

So I think I may actually do this real estate thing. I wrote a letter to the Division of Professional Licensure to count my Property class as my education requirement. As soon as I get the waiver, I can sign up for the test. They give you your results and your license the day of. Rather unlike another profession I can think of... But we shouldn't speak of such things. November's getting awfully close.


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