i (still) hate the bar exam

The adventures of a disgruntled unemployed former slacker law student struggling to pass the bar exam and find a job involving as little actual legal work as possible.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Unemployed & On Drugs

I'm back at work today and I feel pretty crappy. Everyone is being really nice. I told them it was my wisdom teeth because it's so godforesaken embarassing that I lost a real tooth. The receptionist offered to make me tea. If only they paid me more and it wasn't so far away, this would be a decent job.

I feel kind of bad that I haven't actually worked at all this week. Although I was marginally helpful half an hour ago. The head engineer for some reason got it in his head a few weeks ago that I would know how to password protect cells in Excel. I looked it up under help and managed to do it. Now I'm like the Excel guru or something and the engineers will call me up and be like "How do you do weird complicated thing X?" and I am like hmm...let me walk you through it and I open up Help and read it to them. Heh.

Crises du jour: I've got a Halloween party to prepare for and no good costume ideas. My fallback costume is a zebra, but everyone's seen that before. I was thinking of making Boyfriend be a ninja. I got a good stolen idea from http://bloggingprojectrunway.blogspot.com this morning that we could be Angela & Jeffrey. That would be cool, but it seems like it would require moderately high effort, which I'm not feeling at the moment. That's my favorite idea so far though. Thoughts?


  • At 8:20 PM, Blogger The Once and Future TC said…

    Try Party City/equivalent in your city. They have lots of cute outfits. Well, actually, they only have one outfit in endless variations. That one outfit is "whore." So you could be pirate-whore, nurse-whore, vampire-whore, bellydancer-whore, Teletubby-whore...the possibilities boggle the mind.

    I got my best reaction by raiding my mother's closet for wacky '70s clothes. I did my hair in a giant afro (meaning that I did nothing to my hair at all that day and just let it do its thing) and wore tons of crazy blue eyeshadow and everybody loved it.

  • At 2:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    my personal favorite is wearing an old school vintage dress (as I don't like dabbling with the whore costumes that Tab mentions) and doing 50s make up. Throw on a tool belt (preferable made from an eyelet apron) and attach countless prescription bottles to it. Perfect fifties housewife. Then you get to look pretty, make biting social commentary and not look like a whore.


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