i (still) hate the bar exam

The adventures of a disgruntled unemployed former slacker law student struggling to pass the bar exam and find a job involving as little actual legal work as possible.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

What, Me Worry?

I think I may be the only person on earth who's not completely freaking out about bar results. (Except, obviously, for the people who did not take the July bar exam, but they hardly matter at all.) That's probably because I don't really know when we find out. I know they said something about November, but I don't know if they mean November 1st on the nose, or Novemberish if we feel like it, or the day before Thanksgiving just because we can muahaha, or what.

Speaking of Thanksgiving, I have no plans, because Boyfriend is being all weird about wanting to spend the holidays together. This sucks a lot, because Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I always go home, and we always have dinner with my whole family, and my mom is an awesome cook. Then the day after, we go shopping, which is also totally fabulous. Plus it's always a couple of days before or after my birthday.

Except this year, we are supposed to spend Thanksgiving "together," which will end up meaning actually with his family, which will involve going over to sit in a house with his family, who don't really care about me since we aren't married, who have no sense of tradition, and who can't cook in an 0migod-you-can't-be-serious-how-do-you-burn-water kind of way. If, IF!, we are even invited, because they can also get all weird and do things like cancel Christmas, which is what his Evil Stepmother did last year.

Yes, that's right, she disinvited her husband's children from her house at Christmas, because she wanted to spend it with only just her biological family. His father had to sneak off one afternoon and have Chinese food with them. This is total, complete bullshit.


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