i (still) hate the bar exam

The adventures of a disgruntled unemployed former slacker law student struggling to pass the bar exam and find a job involving as little actual legal work as possible.

Monday, July 17, 2006

F* You Too, Blue Book!

So I have some vague recollection from the 6-day that the PMBR people may have said that we should switch to the Blue Book in July and that the questions were harder. Something like that. That was two months ago, back when I didn't realize I had to write things down or lose them forever.

Anyway, I finally broke that sucker out over the weekend and it sucks monkey butts! While I do enjoy that they give explanations for all the answers (unlike in the red book where it's like "A is the correct answer, therefore B, C, and D are clearly wrong" - Thanks buddy! That's what I paid my $900 to read!), the freaking questions do NOT make sense! Like there was some Con Law question about subject matter jurisdiction, but then all the answer choices had to do with the 11th Amendment. WTF???

I don't have time to spend five minutes per question trying to figure out what precise variety of crack these fools were smoking when they wrote this book, so it's getting banished to the bottom of my neighbor's diaper pail and I'm going back to the wholesome reality of the Red Book.

In other news, check out my Ebay listing: PMBR Blue Book for sale - barely used - great value! - slight smell


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