I would like to formally ask the Bar Exam Gods to not test Mass Civ Pro this time. You tested it twice last summer, so I would like for one of those to please count as the one I was supposed to get. If that's too much, maybe it could just be a halvsies question where they ask if the Tort victim's motion for summary judgment should be granted.
I would also like for the question with the Consumer Protection part to be extremely obvious, because I never think of it. Actually, if all the combined questions could be really obvious, that would be great.
I would also like, in the following order:
1. Wills (without Trusts)
2. Crim Law (without Crim Pro)
3. Domestic Relations (without Wills)
4. Torts, but the traditional kind, not the awful government kind
5. I know there has to be at least one Contracts question, but please make it short and not too boring. No manufacturing fact patterns please, esp. no widgets or computers.
6. Evidence is fine, and can be combined with Professional Responsibility and Crim Pro, if necessary, especially if the question is broken down into several manageable chunks.
7. Maybe a Contracts/Real Property question with a really easy, obvious answer - like "No, she does not have to buy the land since seller knew it was actually covered in toxic waste"
8. Con Law is ok as long as it's either Free Speech, or Equal Protection, and only Federal law applies.
9. I know that despite how nicely I asked above, I will be cursed with Civ Pro, so how about a nice Class Action suit?
10. Partnership/Agency - preferably the exact question the BarBri guy said he thought it would be
Now, I feel like I'm being reasonable here and not asking you to not test any of the things I hate (except Civ Pro - please!!) so I think it would show your good faith if you could go ahead and just stick to the subjects and combinations I've asked for.
As consideration, I am prepared to climb up a mountain and sacrifice a peppercorn to honor Your Holy Perversity just as soon as I get a chance. I've got to go up there anyway about that goat thing from when I took the GRE...